
Welcome to the Website of Shenzhen ZhiDaLong Hardware Spring Co., Ltd.


Shenzhen Zhidalong Hardware Spring Co., Ltd.

Service Hotline:  0755-27654139
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Contact us

Contact: Huang Zhibin (General Manager)
Tel: 86 0755 27654139 / 27656838 / 27656642
Cell: 86 13809864613 
Fax: 86 0755 27654137
QQ: 1152845476 / 906270364
Email: zdhzb@vip.163.com
Alibaba: https://zhidalongwj.1688.com
Address: Emmett Technology Park, Shiyan Street Office, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China


Please submit your basic information, we will contact you as soon as possible!





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